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2nd M-Sec online Review Meeting has come to an end!

2nd M-Sec online Review Meeting has come to an end!

The second review meeting of the M-Sec project took place online on 29 September of 2020, due to covid-19 constraints. The objectives of this 2nd review meeting were to establish the degree to which the work plan had been carried out over the course of the second project year, whether project objectives were still relevant, […]

M-Sec Architecture

M-Sec Architecture

Simplified view of M-Sec architecture Application Layer Application layer defines all the use the IoT technology or in which IoT has deployed Eclipse sensiNact Studio Eclipse sensiNact Studio SensiNact is designed to allow platforms to interoperate, thus coexist and benefit from the richness of the variety. Additionally, it provides a fine grained security mechanism to […]

All about the M-Sec Webinar on Use Cases Overview

All about the M-Sec Webinar on Use Cases Overview

On the 1st of July, M-Sec organized a Webinar on its 5 Use Cases in order to disseminate the project’s results achieved so far and engage stakeholders towards the adoption and/or development through project findings. In this engaging Webinar, participants had the chance to learn more about the following 5 Use Cases: Use Case 1: […]

Webinar – M-Sec project overview

Webinar – M-Sec project overview

M-Sec is developing an end to end secure IoT framework that allows the transfer of personal data without additional safeguards between the EU and Japan. M-Sec complies with GDPR, PIPA ,the Adequacy Agreement between EU&JP. and will be validated through its two crossborder use cases. In this webinar Vanessa Clemente Núñez, from Worldline, the M-Sec […]

Women in M-Sec

Women in M-Sec

My fellow project members suggested that we should have a post on international women day highlighting the importance of the day in the context of M-Sec. Challenge accepted. Let me start with a disclaimer related with personal life. The chain of command in my family is as follows: Daughter, Son, cat (female), wife, dog (male), […]

“We are aiming for a platform of services and tools which will enhance the privacy and security of communication in the future hyper-connected smart cities”: Interview with Antonis Litke, M-Sec partner

“We are aiming for a platform of services and tools which will enhance the privacy and security of communication in the future hyper-connected smart cities”: Interview with Antonis Litke, M-Sec partner

Antonis Litke is a Senior Research Engineer at ICCS, part of the National Technical University of Athens, and a technical partner on the M-Sec project. We caught up with Antonis to get up to speed on their latest developments in blockchain applications, how their work fits within the wider M-Sec framework at what the associated […]

Is your smart city secure enough and what can you do about it?

Is your smart city secure enough and what can you do about it?

Currently, smart city platforms are mainly centralized IoT/Cloud infrastructures, which introduces several limitations as these infrastructures tend to be: Inefficient in handling actuation and control over sensors and physical devices; Prone to complete failures since they dispose with centralized control by a limited number of administrative entities; Inflexible in the incorporation of innovative applications and […]

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