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  • Country: Spain
  • Area: 35 km2
  • Population: 178,465 (2013)
  • Initiatives: SmartSantander, ClouT, Wise-IOT, Synchronicity, M-Sec

Located in the north coast of Spain, the city of Santander is the capital of the Cantabria region. In recent years, it has moved into the vanguard of smart cities, through the improvement of public services and the development of citizen-oriented policies and the stimulation of a new business model of productivity. Innovation is conceived as transversal to various areas of governance, facilitating the incorporation of new technologies in municipal services.

The city of Santander participates in diverse initiatives to smart cities and has become a reference at international level. It is home to one of the largest-scale experimental research facilities, having fostered the deployment of the SmartSantander platform, addressing to both the research and experimentation of architectures and key-enabling technologies for the IoT realm, as well as organizing innovation in the city. Thanks to this initiative, the Santander city council has participated in 20 EU innovation project, including EU-Japan and EU-South Korea collaborations.

Furthermore, the creation of a City Platform is enabling the integration of all urban services into what can be calledthe brain of the city, with the aim of developing true intelligence in the smart city and providing a better quality to its citizens. Some of the services being improved are Waste and street cleansing management, Water management, Streetlight management, Traffic and parking management.

Santander City Council will have an active participation in all M-Sec experiments.

Get in touch: Sonia Sotero Muñiz, Ayuntamiento de Santander

Date 24/09/2018
Category cities, Santander

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