On the 2nd of December, M-Sec Japanese partners from Waseda University and Japan’s National Institute of Informatics presented the main results achieved so far regarding the application layer of the M-Sec solution. Take a sneak peek at what was discussed
On the 2nd of December, at 9am CET (Brussels Time), M-Sec Japanese partners held a Webinar entitled “Methodology and tools for secure smart city application development”, with the main goal of presenting what type of methodologies and tools can better support developers/engineers of IoT applications, which citizens so commonly use nowadays, either in their personal or work computers, tablets and smartphones, which are being developed in the scope of the M-Sec project.
According to our speakers, smart cities manage hundreds, if not even thousands, of IoT devices, all somehow connected. And this is why there is an increasing need to protect the information and data that is exchanged, namely personal information from individual users of those devices and applications. The application layer is, thus, an important component of the M-Sec architecture, supporting all others by establishing the engineering foundations to support the development of secure smart city applications on top of the M-Sec technological solution. This is made by providing methodologies and tools to develop smart city applications in order to support developers/engineers of smart city applications.
As such, our speakers focused their presentation on 2 components which they have been developing for the past 2 years in the scope of the M-Sec project: the Security Analysis Tool (a security requirement analysis support tool) and the Modal System Transition System Analyzer (MTSA) (a dependable smart city application development tool).
Whether you did not have the chance to watch the Webinar or you enjoyed it so much that you want to go for it a second time, here is the recording of the event: