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The Urban Technology Alliance organizes first virtual 3D smart city event

The Urban Technology Alliance organizes first virtual 3D smart city event

M-Sec has partnered with UTA – The Urban Technology Alliance in the organization of the 1st virtual 3D smart city event focused on smart city innovation

The Global Smart City Trends virtual event will be held from December 8th to 10th 2020. The event is organized by the Urban Technology Alliance, a global non-profit organization focusing on Smart City innovation, with the support of several partners such as the M-Sec project.

The conference will bring together innovative cities, industrial leaders and researchers presenting the latest Smart Cities innovations. The Urban Technology Alliance has reached out to its members and network of cities to bring a global panel of experts and speakers.

The cities will be strongly represented with presentations of success stories from deployments in more than 10 cities including: Saitama (JP), Grenoble (FR), Vancouver (CA), Busan (KR), Kansas City (USA), Taipei (TW), Glasgow (UK), Sejong (KR), Casablanca (MA), Daejeon (KR), Santander (ES), Fujisawa (JP) – these last two, serving as pilot cities for the implementation of the M-Sec solution – and more.

The conference includes presentations of successful smart city deployments, and feedbacks on new technologies and the challenges faced in deploying them in cities around the globe. A specific focus of the conference will be on city resilience in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic : some cities managed to react quicker and better than others and the conference will analyse what can be done at the local scale.

The event will include live presentations, keynotes and round tables, virtual exhibitor booths and press rooms. It will be hosted on the MUST B2B Matchmaking platform. The M-Sec project will be highlighted in this event, with a dedicated presentation and a booth showcasing the project’s achievements so far.

Join us and learn more about the smart cities of the future: http://www.urbantechnologyalliance.org/2020/08/18/uta-organizes-first-virtual-3d-smart-city-event/. You can also access the event’s flyer here.

Register here for the online event

The Urban Technology Alliance

The Urban Technology Alliance (UTA) is a global non-profit organization providing city-scale testbeds from all around the world, to deploy, test and validate the latest smart city innovations. The UTA is providing trusted and neutral guidance to cities for their sustainable digital transformation, enabling them to face today’s economic, social and environmental challenges. The UTA is a vibrant community including a complete smart city ecosystem composed of cities, industry, academy and non-profit organizations. UTA members network, build partnerships, deploy and test concrete solutions in real-life environments and share best practice and success stories among members worldwide.

M-Sec is part of UTA since the beginning of the project, through KentYou and consortium partners NTT East, Keio University, Fujisawa and Santander City Councils and CEA.

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