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Recap M-Sec’s Webinar on end-to-end security management for smart cities

Recap M-Sec’s Webinar on end-to-end security management for smart cities

On the 10th of February, M-Sec EU partner CEA France presented the main results achieved so far regarding the cross layer of the M-Sec solution. Take a sneak peek at what was discussed

On the 10th of February, at 9am CET (Brussels Time), M-Sec EU partner CEA France (Le Commissariat nergie atomique et aux nergies alternatives) held a Webinar entitled “End-to-end security management for smart cities”, with the main goal of presenting a cybersecurity framework for end-to-end management in smart cities, also known as the M-Sec Cross Layer.

The Webinar started with a presentation of the cybersecurity challenges faced by smart cities, with our speakers Mathieu Gallissot, research engineer, and Radhouene Azzabi, Security R&D Engineer at CEA France, providing a real example of a large scale cyber-attack that happened in 2016 – the “Dyn” attack. Due to this attack, many websites were made unavailable during hours, which would not have happened if the IoT products – mostly cameras and consumer devices – had been properly secured against external threads. This, of course, was not a single event as everyday we see prove of hundreds of attacks to smart grids, connected transports, banks, etc., all trying to steal sensitive data, all trying to access multiple layers of data protection. Attacking an IoT product is, thus, becoming a business, as the number of IoT devices and applications increase.

This explains the need for a solution such as M-Sec, that provides different components for the security of smart cities, depending on the value-chain. According to our speakers, the M-Sec Cross Layer intends to provide to these many layers of M-Sec – related to IoT devices, Cloud, Marketplace and Applications for end-users -, with a common security backend. By aggregating all components in one framework, the M-Sec solution shows how national, regional and local authorities can protect their cities from cyber threads and risks (see the image below).

Figure 1: Steps to take to protect your city from cyber threads and risks, the basis of the M-Sec multi-layered approach

After an explanation of the need for such Cross Layer and multi-layered approach, several demonstration videos were presented illustrating examples of cyber-attacks and how the M-Sec solution was able to identify, stop and report them.

Whether you did not have the chance to watch the Webinar or you enjoyed it so much that you want to go for it a second time, here is the recording of the event:

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