M-Sec is happy to announce a cross-project collaboration with StandICT.eu, a project that intends to create a truly consolidated European Standardization Ecosystem, in an effort to leverage the standardization outcomes of M-Sec
The StandICT.eu ICT Standardisation Observatory and Support Facility in Europe is an H2020 project that joins together 3 partners ‘ Trust-IT Services, DCU and Australo ‘ with the main goal of creating a European Standardization Ecosystem.
To achieve this, the project has a two-folded approach: firstly, it funds professionals from different technology fields working with ICT standardization in varied European and international standardization organizations. Secondly, it aims at building a European Observatory for ICT Standardization (EUOS) that is an interactive data platform about horizontal & vertical EU ICT standards. Through this platform, it intends to gather data from different standardization bodies and other relevant initiatives.
But why is this important for the M-Sec Project? The M-Sec consortium is composed of technological partners that are closely following and contributing to several standardization organizations and Alliances related to IoT, security, cloud, big data and blockchain. Since the beginning of the project, projects partners have thus been following and promoting the project results in several working groups inside those bodies for ensuring the sustainability of M-Sec. The M-Sec Project has a strong commitment with open standards so that technologies used to build the project will be mainly based on mature and emerging standards. The partners have identified key areas for which they put efforts to communicate with the standardization bodies and provide their recommendations and findings.
To maximize the directed dissemination and awareness of the achieved results, and to encourage the adoption of the project findings from major stakeholders as part of the next generation products, M-Sec is now partnering with StandICT.eu in an effort to leverage its standardization outcomes. Apart from cross promotion of Open Calls, events and other initiatives, M-Sec will have the chance to become a member of EUOS and publish its Use Cases at the platform, promoting discussion with its peers.
We could not be more excited with this opportunity to be part of such a robust and dynamic standardization network and be able to not only contribute to the discussions that may unfold but also to identify the potential standardization opportunity related to the M-Sec technical results.
Apply for StandICT.eu Open Call 2 for ICT professionals
StandICT.eu has launched a Fellowship Programme, which through a series of 10 Open Calls, will provide 3 million euros through a cascade funding process to support and incentivise participation of European standardization specialists in key international and global standardization bodies.
The project has just launched its Open Call 2 which will be open until the 11th of March. Activities such as producing reports, paying for fees, or participating in meetings or events can be funded.
For more information on how to apply, access https://www.standict.eu/standicteu-2023-2nd-open-call.