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M-Sec citizens and stakeholders consultation – take our online survey and help us

M-Sec citizens and stakeholders consultation – take our online survey and help us

M-Sec has just launched its e-consultation survey to the IoT community! Help us by filling out the survey and provide us your feedback

In the scope of its research, the M-Sec project is now conducting an online survey to all EU and Japanese citizens and stakeholders, considered as potential users of its solution.

Your opinion is, thus, very much appreciated and will contribute to a better understanding of the IoT ecosystem in which M-Sec is expected to operate. Filling in this survey will not take you more than 1 minute.

The survey tries to further understand citizens and stakeholders IoT experience in terms of the IoT devices that people and companies commonly use on a daily basis or are considering start using in a near future. Moreover, as individuals, we currently use more than 1 IoT device. Therefore, the M-Sec project would also like to better understand if individuals have any concerns, and what those might be, regarding the security and privacy of their personal information when using those devices. Finally, this online consultation also tries to better understand individuals awareness, as an IoT citizen or stakeholder, of the current data protection policies that exist in their EU or Japanese region.

We hope to count with your cooperation!

Fill in the survey here

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