On November 11th, M-Sec EU and Japanese partners joined together to follow up the set of webinars under the M-Sec architecture. The most recent webinar concerned the topic of Middleware services for secure hyper-connected city data
On the 11th of November, at 9am CET (Brussels time), M-Sec’s WebinarMiddleware services for secure hyper-connected city data took place. This colloquium was held as part of a set of webinars that try to explain the progress of the M-sec project after two years of intensive research on how the M-Sec architecture could better solve security challenges in hyper-connected smart cities.
After a first webinar dedicated to the IoT layer of the M-Sec solution, this one was linked to the Middleware layer. The conference was attended by experts from different parts of the world: Levent Gurgen, from KentYou; Antonis Litke and George Palaiokrassas, from ICCS and Jin Nakazawa, from Keio University. Our four guest speakers presented fact-based objective information on their research on middleware services for the M-Sec project. The presentation focused on innovative ways to integrate all security levels of the M-Sec platform, by providing a basic set of services like lifecycle management or service level agreements monitoring. CEA’s sensiNact platform and Keio’s SOX platform are two examples of this integration and were also presented.
During the event, it became clear that since data security is the main object of this project, it is important to establish a bridge between the data itself and the data base. Middleware services is what connects one to another. It is a software that provides common services and capabilities to applications outside of what is offered by the operating system. Middleware helps developers to build applications more efficiently. It acts like the connective tissue between applications, data, and users. For organizations with multi-cloud and containerized environments, as M-Sec, middleware can make it cost-effective to develop and run applications at scale. According to our experts, the middleware services are one of the crucial layers of the M-Sec technological solution, since it includes the infrastructure needed for both Peer-to-Peer and IoT-to-Cloud approaches.
In the end, the main question was why does data need to be traded in a marketplace? According to our experts, the answer was as simple as this: Data is going to be the oil of the next century and if it is considered of value, then it can also be traded as any other good. In fact, a demo of the future M-Sec marketplace was presented, so that participants could have a first glimpse of what can they expect from this technological solution.
What a great event this was! Whether you did not have the chance to watch the Webinar or you enjoyed it so much that you want to go for it a second time, here is the recording of the event: