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M-Sec project kicks off its global ambitions with its first EU-JP meeting

This two-day online meeting was a unique chance for the European and Japanese partners behind M-Sec to meet face-to-face, sparking the first of the many cross-border connections expected to grow throughout M-Sec project.

At 08:00 in central Europe and 15:00 in Japan, on 11 July 2018, the partners behind M-Sec project gathered behind their webcams to start a two-day online meeting.

This meeting was the first opportunity for the Japanese and European partners to introduce themselves to the group, explain their roles in the project and their expectations. Each partner brings a unique set of tools to the M-Sec project, coming together to work as a well-oiled machine. The partners of the M-Sec project include European and Japanese universities, research centres, and companies operating in the fields of Big Data, IoT, Cloud Computing and Blockchain. You can find out more about each entity on the partners section of the website.

Throughout the project, these global partners will focus their efforts on developing the security and connections of the smart cities Fujisawa, Japan, and Santander, Spain.

The second day of the meeting focused on a discussion of the six Use Cases, i.e. the pilot studies to be tested and reported on during the project. From cloud services to health tracking devices, each Use Case focuses on a different combination of technologies, and will be tested with the maximum possible engagement from citizens. With two pilots taking place in Santander, two in Fujisawa, and two across both cities, the project hopes to create solutions which can be implemented in other smart cities across the world. You can find out more about the plan for the Use cases on the website from now, and expect to catch up on their progress in the M-Sec deliverable report in December 2018.

Finally, each global partner presented its responsibilities to the rest of the team (Work Packages), including a short plan of how to proceed and work together over the coming months.

The next consortium meeting was decided for October 2018, in Barcelona, Spain. This will be the first time that the partners from Japan and Europe meet in person and continue to evolve the cross-border connections which sit at the heart of M-Sec project.

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