On 16-18 October 2018, the global partners behind M-Sec will gather in Barcelona, Spain, for their first in-person meeting.
The partners will travel from over Europe and Japan to meet in the Poble Nou district of Barcelona. This neighbourhood, whose name aptly meansNew town in Catalan, was originally an area penned for industrial growth during the 1800s. In the year 2000, it was the focus of @22, a new social innovation plan which aimed to divide the area into 5 areas of growth: Information and Computer Technology (ICT), Bio-Medical, Design, Energy, and Media. Today the area houses +400 startups and technology centres, now well-known for being the city’s epicentre of innovation and progress. The meeting will take place at Worldline premises (EU coordination of the M-Sec project).
The two-day M-Sec meeting will focus on the smooth logistical management of the project across borders, time-zones and entities. The six M-Sec Use Cases will be presented and discussed, as well as the strategy for citizen engagement. This will result in a stronger cross-border collaboration between the partners and allow M-Sec to get off to a running start.
Stay tuned for more images, videos and news from the meeting in Barcelona by checking the M-Sec website and following our social media accounts:
Twitter: @MSecProject
LinkedIn: MSecProject