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EU & JP partners meet for plenary meeting in picturesque Santander setting

EU & JP partners meet for plenary meeting in picturesque Santander setting

Bringing together over 25 partners from the M-Sec consortium across Europe and Japan, the 3rd plenary review meeting in Santander, Spain was a vibrant week of important progress updates on the project, as well as absorbing the local culture, history and food. Taking place at the splendid century-old Palacio de Magdalena on the tip of the peninsular between 22-24 October 2019, the partners met to act upon the valuable comments from the successful review meeting that took place earlier this year in Tokyo.

The meeting was hosted by Santander locals Sonia Sotero Muñíz, AYTOSAN and Arturo Medela, TST. The objectives of the meeting centred on following up from the most recent review of the project status, and to ensure that all action points were agreed upon by all partners, and provide updates on each of the partners recent progress.

As well as this the partners took the opportunity to enjoy the coming together of the consortium from across the globe, with a dinner and a tour of the magnificent meeting venue.

Palacio de Magdalena, Santander – venue for the plenary meeting


The partners meeting for the 3rd face to face meeting


Some of the M-Sec Japanese partners enjoying local Spanish food at the partner’s dinner


The beautiful Santander peninsula


The upcoming M-Sec meeting will take place in Japan in April 2020.


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M-Sec is a EU-Japan collaboration which stands for Multi-layered Security technologies to ensure hyperconnected smart cities with Blockchain, Big Data, Cloud and IoT.

The main goal of M-Sec project is to research, develop, deploy and demonstrate multi-layered Security technologies to ensure hyper connected smart cities and empower IoT stakeholders with an innovative platform which leverages blockchain, BigData, Cloud and IoT security, upon which they can build innovative smart city applications.

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