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GDPR & APPI: Regulatory challenges in modern smart cities on the spotlight next Wednesday

GDPR & APPI: Regulatory challenges in modern smart cities on the spotlight next Wednesday

Want to know more about the main regulatory challenges smart cities are facing when it comes to handling personal information? Then, join us for M-Sec’s upcoming Webinar next Wednesday

On the 25th of November, at 9am CET, the M-Sec project will host a Webinar focused on the current status of EU’s GDPR and Japan’s APPI Regulation and what have been the regulatory challenges in modern smart city applications.

But why is this important? At a time when people and IoT devices/applications are more connected than ever across the world, there is an increasing need to protect the information and data that is exchanged, namely personal information from individual users of those devices and applications. And, thus, the need for personal information protection laws. This was done in Europe and also in Japan, through the GDPR, a law for protecting personal information in Europe, and APPI, a law for protecting personal information in Japan. According to Keiko Doguchi, from NTTE, a member of the Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT) in Japan, “when handling personal information, it is necessary to comply with each law (…) by protecting personal information, I believe that citizens will be able to proceed with the utilization of data with peace of mind”.

This is why, according to Keiko Duguchi, such regulations are of utmost importance for the M-Sec project. “M-Sec is a Eu-Japan collaboration research project, and will carry out field trials in Spain and Japan. Since the field trials include the handling of personal information, it is necessary to comply with these laws. Since this is a research and development project, we are also researching how to deal with the laws as part of our research”, and this can ultimately be proposed as a methodology for other cases.

The importance of this topic for the M-Sec project is also highlighted by Takehiro Kitano, from the NTT Data Institute of Management Consulting, INC. (NTTDMC), that better explained how the M-Sec project is trying to tackle GDPR and APPI in its search for a technological solution able to ensure cyber-security in smart cities. According to our expert, as the M-Sec project is being tested through 5 Use Cases, there is a need to handle personal information in each of those cases, and thus appropriate operation according to the rules is required. Therefore, “each Use Case is considering a management and operation method that complies with compliance”, mainly those who are cross-border Use Cases and that need to comply both with GDPR and APPI.

This engaging Webinar will be held on the 25th of November, between 09:00am and 10:30am CET (Brussels Time), free or charge, through the following Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85840685614.

Our experts Mathieu Gallissot, from CEA – Commissariat A L’Energie Atomique Et Aux Energies Alternatives, Takehiro Kitano, from NTTDMC, Keiko Doguchi, from NTTE and Tadashi Okoshi, from Keio University in Japan, will present the current status of EU’s GDPR and Japan’s APPI privacy laws and provide fact-based objective information on the regulatory challenges in modern smart city applications and how to overcome them, based on evidence gathered in the scope of the M-Sec project.

Your opinion matters! Our experts would like to introduce the state of art on cloud systems for hyper-connected smart city services. They are thus seeking feedback from different stakeholders and future collaboration with them to continue on its development.

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