TecnologÃas, Servicios Telemáticos y Sistemas, S.A. (TST)
TST is an engineering company specialized on IoT (Internet of Things) custom products and solutions for Smart City, Industrial Automation and Logistics applications.
The company’s portfolio comprises 3 main business lines: i) Custom IoT design providing sensor integration and creation of new products from the client system concept to the prototyping, mechanics, manufacturing and certification. ii) Own catalog of IoT products: waste management, street light management and industrial control. iii) Consultancy services on IoT, wireless communications and software development.
TST is an innovative SME founded in 2007 by entrepreneurs coming from University and Business, with a long experience in starting up technology-driven companies. TST has a broad experience in both national and international R&D projects, with scope on IoT networks and devices, smart services & applications and future networks. It is also an active member of the most prestigious platforms and forums related to IoT and Smart Cities as NetWorld2020, IoT Council, PostScapes and FI-WARE.